State of implementation
Discussion topic "immigrant integration":
Right now, "Step 3: Policy recommendations" is under way. The Citizen Assembly has adopted a series of policy recommendations. These recommendationswill bepresented in a public committee session on 21st June 2023. Subsequently, the members of the responsible committee and the relevant ministers meet to formulate an opinion on the recommendations. This will be discussed in a public session on 8th November 2023.
Discussion topic "digital skills":
Right now, “Step 4: Implementation of the recommendations” is under way. The Citizen Assembly has adopted a series of policy recommendations. These recommendationswerepresented in a public committee sessionon 6th December 2022. Subsequently, the members of the responsible committee and the relevant ministers met to formulate an opinion on the recommendations. This was discussed in a public session on 28th February 2023. An additional public committee meeting will be held towards spring 2024 during which the participants from the Citizen Assembly get informed about the implementation of the recommendations.
Discussion topic "housing":
Right now, “Step 4: Implementation of the recommendations” is under way. The Citizen Assembly has adopted a series of policy recommendations. These recommendationswerepresented in a public committee sessionon 18th March 2022. Subsequently, the members of the responsible committee and the relevant ministers met to formulate an opinion on the recommendations. This was discussed in a public session on 1st July 2022. An additional public committee meeting will be held on 9th October 2023 during which the participants from the Citizen Assembly get informed about the implementation of the recommendations.
Discussion topic "inclusive education":
The issue is closed. The Citizen Assembly has adopted a series of policy recommendations and presented themin a public committee sessionon 24th June 2021. Subsequently, politicians formulated an opinion that was discussed in a public session on 14th October 2021. A third public committee meeting was held on 13th October 2022 to discuss the implementation of the citizens’ recommendations. A final report has been released.
Discussion topic "health care":
The issue is closed. The Citizen Assembly has adopted a series of policy recommendations. These recommendationswerepresented in a public committee sessionon 7th October 2020. Subsequently, the members of the responsible committee and the relevant ministers met to formulate an opinion on the recommendations. This was discussed in a public session on 16th December 2020. An additional public committee meeting was held towards on 30th March 2022 during which the participants from the Citizen Assembly get informed about the implementation of the recommendations. A final report has been released.